As a resolutely industrial region, the Hauts-de-France is inextricably linked with an eco-responsible dynamic. At a time when the challenges of cleaner industry and a healthier economy are at the forefront of global strategies, it is essential to identify all the changes that are possible on our own scale.
Team², the only national competitiveness cluster dedicated to circularity through recycling, is taking student and professional engineers along in the search for answers, and is succeeding in convincing the major companies concerned to transform their processes.
Today, materials derived from recycling are increasingly considered as real materials, and no longer as secondary materials. This awareness can be measured on a regional scale with the intelligent deconstruction of buildings (half of the region’s waste).
Other, younger companies are tackling the mobility segment, with the creation of traceability or data security applications to optimize the lifespan of parts and vehicles. These nuggets can be found at EuraTechnologies, a pioneering French Tech incubator which has already supported over 300 Tech nuggets.
An economy driven by more responsible players, and durable appliances made from recycled materials – this is the objective of the region’s 700 eco-businesses, making it France’s 4th green economy region. This approach is directly in line with the regional Rev3 program for a sustainable, connected economy and, at the metropolitan level, the PCAET for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, developing renewable energies, improving air quality and adapting to climate change.