A veritable open-air laboratory, the Lille metropolitan area boasts research infrastructures, competitive clusters that foster cross-sector connections and innovation, and some of the best universities in France. The ecosystem is structured around public and private players, and major French and international companies have been based here for many years.

Research and innovation for tomorrow's people
Because health research is key to the future of mankind, 80 laboratories, involving 4,000 researchers, dedicate their work to the region’s areas of excellence:
- The fight against cancer and its dedicated center, the Oscar Lambert Center
- Cardiometabolic diseases
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Chronic diseases of the intestine (IBD) and liver (NASH)
- Nutritional innovations
- Diabetes prevention
A global issue, our health and that of our children is shaped in the capital of Flanders, and also by what we eat. This is why the European Metropolis of Lille has created the Euralimentaire site of excellence to facilitate the creation and development of companies dedicated to fresh, local produce and its logistics.
Finally, tomorrow’s health and well-being are intimately linked to the development of new technologies. Medtech, Biotech, Pharma and Esanté companies, the European Metropolis of Lille and its Eurasanté site of excellence offer you the opportunity to join a rich, interconnected ecosystem in which innovation and research play a decisive role.
Whychoose Lille?
The Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire (CHRU), Europe’s largest university hospital complex, comprises 12 hospitals, 5 training campuses and over 16,000 healthcare professionals. It has been ranked 3rd best hospital in France in 2022.
The sector occupies a special place in the regional economy, accounting for 12.5 billion euros, making the Hauts-de-France region the 3rd-largest cluster in France.
A rich, interconnected ecosystem: The Hauts-de-France Health-Nutrition, Food and Aging sector, led by Eurasanté and Clubster NSL, boasts 1,100 companies employing 32,000 people in the biotech/pharma, medtech/hospitech, e-health, silver economy and specialized services sectors. These include world leaders such as GSK, Roquette, Lesaffre and Tate&Ly.
Eurasanté Bio Business Park, one of Europe’s largest hubs for biotech and medtech activities, runs an incubator dedicated to the creation of innovative biology and healthcare companies.
A training center of excellence: Lille’s Faculty of Medicine is the largest medical training and research center in France, all disciplines combined. It is home to over 12,000 students. Lille is also home to one of France’s leading pharmacy faculties, with 2,900 students.
The Clubster NSL competitiveness clustersupports innovation in the healthcare, biotechnology and agri-food sectors.
A pool ofprofessionals
France's third-largest site of excellence, Eurasanté's 300 hectares are dedicated to cutting-edge activities in the health, nutrition and biotechnology sectors.
A veritable city within a city, it is home to 200 companies with 3,700 employees, 10 hospitals with 17,000 employees, 50 laboratories with 1,800 researchers, 4 faculties and 7 paramedical schools!
A pool of experts and talent to support and accelerate your company's development.Eurasanté is also a team that runs 4 incubators:
> The Eurasanté Bio-Incubator and Bio-Accelerator, to help create and develop healthcare start-ups.
> The Euralimentaire Incubator-Accelerator, to help create and develop foodtech start-ups.
> The Eurasenior incubator, to help create and develop silver economy start-ups.
> The Vivalley incubator, to help create and develop start-ups in sport, health and well-being.
Because being healthy also means eating well, the Lille metropolis is dedicating part of its efforts to structuring and developing the Foodtech sector.
Created in 2016, Euralimentaire is the latest addition to the metropolitan sites of excellence. It is the brainchild of the Marché d'Intérêt National (MIN/ZAMIN) in Lomme, France's largest wholesale market after Rungis. Euralimentaire's mission? To accelerate the development of innovative projects and support the men and women who will feed us tomorrow.Euralimentaire provides development solutions for business projects.
Since 2017, the Euralimentaire incubator premises have been welcoming all innovative food project leaders. On a surface area of 1,000 m², you can find:> A coworking space for incubating project leaders.
> Private offices for foodtech start-ups
> Preparation, storage and logistics cells for all types of project.
- The 1st professional network for industry, research and healthcare, committed to innovation in Nutrition, Health and Longevity in the Hauts-de-France region, Clubster NSL has over 360 active members. Its vocation is to encourage the emergence of innovation projects between private and public players, with the aim of stimulating and promoting the nutrition-health sector. And since innovation is often born of interdisciplinarity, the cluster aims to federate the entire ecosystem to create strong, lasting relationships with the industrial world.